X-ray rings reveal neutron star’s distance - Dust cloud reflections plus trigonometry puts Circinus X-1 at 31,000 light-years away

BULL’S-EYE   A blast of X-rays from a neutron star (center) illuminate dust clouds between the star and Earth (colored rings), as ...
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Many of Earth’s groundwater basins run deficits - Consumption exceeds replenishment for majority of largest aquifers

DRYING OUT   Twenty-one of Earth’s 37 largest aquifers are dwindling, satellite data show. Redder regions represent overstress...
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Pink salmon threatened by freshwater acidification

Adult male pink salmon develop a hump on their back during their spawning migration. New research indicates that, under higher level...
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Dinosaurs may not have seen the Grand Canyon after all

New geologic comparisons place the Grand Canyon’s inception more recently than 12 million years ago. riceratops  and  Tyran...
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